Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Great Tasting Salmon Recipe!

Roasted Rosemary Salmon

Roasted Rosemary Salmon

Ingredients You Will Need.

2 large bunches fresh rosemary

1 large red onion, thinly sliced

1 (2- to 3-pound) salmon fillet with skin, 1 -2 inches thick works best

2 large lemons thinly sliced

1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil

Coarse Sea salt

Freshly ground black pepper

Cooking Instuctions:

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Arrange half of rosemary sprigs in single layer in center of heavy baking sheet.

Arrange sliced red onion on top of the rosemary.

Place salmon, skin side down, on the onion.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Cover salmon with remaining rosemary sprigs.

Arrange lemon slices over rosemary.

Drizzle olive oil over.

Sprinkle lemon slices with salt.

NOTE: Can be prepared 8 hours ahead, covered and refrigerated.

Bake, uncovered, 8 to 12 minutes, the salmon should be slightly opaque in thickest part an flake easily with a fork.

Remember the salmon continues to cook even after it is removed from the oven.

Carefully remove salmon from the pan and transfer it onto individual serving plates.

It is best served with roasted onions and lemon slices.

Approximate cooking times for salmon:

1/4 to 1/3 inch - 3 to 4 minutes
1/2 to 3/4 inch - 4 to 6 minutes
1 to 1 1/2 inches - 8 to 12 minutes
1 1/2 to 2-inches - 14-20 minutes

Makes 4 to 6 servings.

Its 2:04 am and I am thinking this sounds great- its making me hungry just typing it- you know what I'm going to the freezer right now and pull out some
Wild Alaskan Salmon I brought home last week to thaw.
If Rosemary isn't your taste keep watching I have more recipes to post.
Have You Joined Gone Fishin Club Yet???

The Story Of The Salmon

Everyone throughout the United States knows salmon; but people living inland or even along the Atlantic Coast, salmon is whole different fish than what the people of the Pacific states know.

It is as if they are a magical fish, capable of astonishing physical feats, in their quest to return to their birthplaces and spawn, up river, up stream, even up waterfalls, they go.

They are survivors of the Ice Age and have weathered many storms of nature and still continued to thrive. They are a saltwater fish which spawns in fresh water. The Columbia River and the Puget sound country are especially noted for their fine salmon, and, of course, Alaska.

To cooks, gourmets, and fishermen alike, the salmon is the king of the waters. The distinctive color of the flesh of a salmon is part of its attraction. It can vary from a very delicate pale pink to a much deeper shade, verging on red.
In the Northwest, because of the various ethnic and cultural backgrounds, you can find salmon smoked hard in the Indian tradition and salmon smoked light in the Scottish tradition. It can also be as simple as a barbecued salmon dotted with butter and lemon.

The Indian tribes of the Northwest look upon salmon with great reverence and have special rituals and legends for the yearly salmon run. They look upon the salmon as life, as the salmon has nourished them physically and spiritually since the days when people first came to this region. They would migrate to the Columbia River each year during the spring and fall spawning season, when the salmon hurled themselves upstream from the Pacific Ocean to lay their eggs. During that time, the Columbia River was so thick with the countless salmon that the Indians simply speared or clubbed them to death from their canoes or from the river banks.
What the Indians didn't eat fresh, they would air-dry in the river winds to create jerky.

Commercial fishing for salmon began shortly after the arrival of Europeans on the West Coast. The Hudson’s Bay Company shipped salted salmon from Fort Langley to the Hawaiian Islands starting in 1835, and the first salmon cannery opened in 1876. By the turn of the century, 70 canneries were in operation. The first gillnet fishing on the Columbia took place in the mid 1850's even before the states of Washington and Oregon were founded, and before the Indian treaties were signed.

The life cycle of the salmon is an interesting one. Spawned in freshwater streams, the young salmon travel to sea early. Here they live and grow for three or four years. In the spring after they reach maturity, the adult salmon return to their native streams to spawn. As salmon begin their journey home, they will stop eating and live mainly on the oils stored in their bodies.

In some mysterious way, they orient themselves and swim homeward with precision equaling electronically equipped ocean sailors. The distances they travel and their astounding return to the exact point on earth where they emerged from their egg sacs is amazing. They will leap over any obstacle in their way, such as braving dams and waterfalls, hurling itself many feet out of the water until it surmounts the obstacle or dies of exhaustion in the attempt; there is no turning back. For some unknown reason, the female always dies after spawning.

Check out more interesting articles on salmon:

Chinook Salmon - Alaska Department of Fish & Game

Chum or Dog Salmon - Alaska Department of Fish & Game

Coho or Silver Salmon - Alaska Department of Fish & Game

Humpback or Pink Salmon - Gulf of Marine Research Institute

Sockeye or Red Salmon - Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
The Salmon Nation web site has some interesting articles on farmed-raised salmon

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Questions About Fishing in Alaska?

What is the weather like during the fishing season?

In our open fishing season, which is May to October you can expect temperatures from 50 degrees in the early morning to 70 degrees in the rest of the day. Some mornings may be a little cooler, one morning in June it was 37 while I was fishing the Kenai, pretty cold to a guy from Georgia.

Does it rain much?

There is not a lot of rainfall in the south central Alaska region as a general rule,but it does rain and you should be prepared with rain gear suitable for the activities you will engage in during your Alaskan vacation and excursions. In July 2008 of my 14 days there it rained all day several days and rained on parts of 12 days. Pretty wet, we don't see rain like that in Georgia either.
Oh and the summer of 2008 is going down as the coolest summer in 40 years.
Still its Alaska, its awesome, some light ,not necessarily sunlight, 19-20 hours a day, I Love It!!!, if you go the 3rd week of June you will get even more!

What kind of clothes should I pack?

You are coming to the last real frontier in the United States. Alaska, its a very casual and pretty laid back place. You will see people dressed in everything from jeans, flannel shirts, thermals to all the new high tech outdoors activity synthetic fabrics. Layered clothing is best as when you start your long days of activities you will be starting early and as any where the day will warm up as the sun gets higher in the sky. A gore tex two piece rain suit is highly recommended for its light weight and wind breaking properties. Fly fisherman should plan on bringing light neoprenes. If you are going to fish the rivers without a boat plan on buying a good set of chest waders.

***KEY NOTE***

If you fly in to Anchorage the Walmart is on Diamond Rd. I think,
anyway if you are going to buy stuff like waders and other gear you didn't bring because of the airline luggage restrictions go by Walmart, you will have a good selection and save a ton. Rumor has it that Kenai is getting a Walmart by next summer but I don't know so I am telling you now. Also if you don't want to take all the stuff you buy back home please donate it to the Goodwill or Salvation Army Stores.
How much daylight is there?
In June you can expect an average of about 20 hours of good daylight and a couple of hours of dusky light, still enough light to be outside doing things, if it isn't cloudy.
Note: please remember this is Alaska, these bears and moose are not your neighborhood animals from home, so yes you can be outdoors 24 hours just remember to be careful. I loved it and ran wide open with it, just had to remember to keep a check on what time it was. The people I stayed with have some neighbors so no loud noises after 10 pm even though it was broad daylight.
In July Sunrise is about 3 AM and sunset well after 12 AM. Most people on their first trip to Alaska are amazed at the fantastically long days and give out long before the day runs out. Some people tend to run wide open a few days when they first get there and then crash for a day . If you need real dark to sleep you may consider bringing night blinders.
What about mosquitoes and bugs?
While you are in Alaska fishing or sightseeing you will find the famous Alaska mosquito. It does not populate the Kenai Peninsula to any great degree normally although the 2008 summer with all its rain seemed to really grow lots of big ones, they reminded me of southern Louisiana mosquitoes. Normally while you are enjoying your Alaska vacation and excursions you will not be bothered by bugs or mosquitoes to any great extent. Of course you can get bit if you are fishing or hiking in the back country , but any bug repellent will be more than adequate to keep them OFF.
How much does a fishing license cost?
Alaska non resident fishing licenses cost $55 for a 7 day license.Fishermen under the age of 16 are not required to have a fishing license but they are required to have a free harvest ticket if they fish for king salmon. Adult fisherman must pay $30 for a Cook Inlet king salmon harvest ticket if they intend to fish for king salmon for a week. For more info please see
How big are the Kenai river guide boats? Most Alaska river boats for fishing average 22 feet long by 7 feet wide although other sizes are out there and are equipped to handle 5 anglers.
In July, only 4 people are allowed on the Kenai river boats.
July king trips are normally 6 hours. There are no toilets on the river boats, drift boats or rafts.There are places along the Kenai and Kasilof River where it is possible to stop should you find it necessary. Like after you catch a giant king salmon and you just have to have relief from bladder pressure.Our river fishing is normally done with powerboats on the Kenai River as the size and swiftness can make it difficult for a drift boat to get back up the river to get to a hot spot and we find that in a drift boat you can lose a lot of good fishing spots when you are hooked up and fighting a fish.
How big are the fish and what are the limits?
On the Kenai Peninsula you can expect to catch King Salmon (Chinook)from 20-85 pounds, red salmon (sockeye) from 4-12 pounds, and silver salmon (coho) from 5-20 pounds. You can expect to see halibut from 15-350 pounds but we suggest that you release halibut over 125 pounds unless you have a Homer Halibut derby fish (about 300 pounds+/-) or you are very hungry. I think the 2008 derby was won with a 319 pound fish. Halibut breeding stocks are in the 100-300 pound range. You will find that a 100 pound halibut will have about 70 pounds of meat and with the limit of 5 king salmon per season as well as daily limits of red, silver and pink salmon from 3-6 fish per day (check regs, fish limits can change seasonally or daily sometimes). The average fisherman will quickly get more fish than he can carry home, although its not uncommon to see people with multiple coolers at the airport. Last year I brought back 3 coolers myself.
How do I preserve my fish?
The best way to enjoy your fish for a long time is to have the fish vacuumed packed at one of the sport fish processors in Soldotna or Kenai. Once your fish is commercially sealed, it can be frozen and enjoyed for a long time.
How do I get my fish home?
The best and cheapest way for you to get your fish back home is to take it back as part of your luggage allowance on your airline of choice. most airlines will allow you to check 1 or 2 pieces of luggage. Subject to change based on your airline choice and fuel prices.
FREE TIP : If you can pack all or most of you clothes and stuff in carry on luggage you can ship your coolers empty to Alaska. You can ship stuff in the coolers on the way just make sure you can stuff it in your carry on luggage when you leave. On your return trip you will be ready to check your fish in as luggage.
Special fish boxes are available locally at a very low cost and you can get 70 pounds of processed fish in these boxes. These specially insulated boxes will keep your fish frozen for up to 30 hours. The best stores I have found for supplies and coolers are Safeway and Fred Meyers.
What else do I need to bring?
Good quality rain gear is an asset and if you are a fly fisherman or want to bring a fly rod along make it a least an 8 weight rod. If you want to bring your own rod and reel, a medium rod with a reel capable of handling 20-25 pound test line should be adequate.
What else is there beside fishing and sightseeing?
You name it, golf, canoeing, river rafting, kayaking, hiking, clamming, bear watching, whale watching, glacier tours, bird watching, airplane rides, rodeos, rock collecting, photography, horseback riding...the list is endless!
Well I hope this helps give you an idea of what to expect when you go to Alaska.
Have A Great Trip Gary
p.s coming soon more pics and my packing checklist.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Map of the Kenai Peninsula Area Alaska

If you have never been to Alaska my first question was "Where are all the roads?" After you leave Anchorage there seems to be only a few roads. There are these amazing mountains off in the distance and I ask my friend how you get there, he says you don't. Ok, thats weird, no roads, there are mosquitoes, oh did I type that, I meant really little puddle jumping planes going everywhere, thats how you get to some of those places. Anyway heres a map of where I went,

stayed in Soldotna and fished the Moose and Kenai rivers for King Salmon and Red (sockeye) Salmon. We went down to Homer-Halibut Fishing Capital of the World- and fished Halibut Cove, Jakeloff Bay, Seldovia, Kachemak Bay and around those areas for Halibut.

This is one of the few days I was there it was actually almost warm enough to wear my Gone Fishin Club shirt without a coat or rainsuit or both, truthfully I took the jacket off, took this and put it back on, it was around 55 there while in my neck of the woods at home it was around 102. I'll take the 55 with a jacket.

ok, thats it for this one, keep watching, more to come.

Oh did I mention you can buy the Gone Fishin Club shirts on Ebay sometimes,

Happy Hookin and Tight----Lines Gary

Fishing In Alaska July 2008 Trip

Did I mention Gas was high in Alaska? I know its high everywhere, but do you see that sign? $4.76 a gallon, nuts. A day out fishing for halibut could run you $200-$500. Ok, enough about gas prices.
Here's a medium size Halibut. We didn't catch any monsters this trip,
well not halibut anyway, as far as skates and Irish Lords, that we did catch big ones.

Meet Duke Jr. He fished on the halibut boat that day with no success, so that evening I was assigned to help him catch a fish. We docked up for the night around 9:30 in Halibut Cove across the bay from Homer, beautiful quiet cove, more pics of it later. Anyway, so I started casting some cut bait around the docks while he went on an excursion. I found a spot you could drag the cut bait through slowly and they would take it. When he returned from his hike, I showed him where they were, and he started casting. Second cast and he had one.
This was his very first fish! After that first one he was hooked. He kept going back and catching more. That looks like a baby Halibut but actually a rock sole . Whatever it is he had a blast catching them. Take kids fishing. I try to take at least 50 kids fishing a year on various trips.

Duke Jr. with his first fish.

This is an Irish Lord

They have poisonous fins and should be handled very carefully when unhooking them. The quills or spines will give you a nasty painful sore.

Ok, well look for more to come this week, I did manage to take a few thousand pics in spite of the rain. Happy Hookin and Tight----Lines Gary

Friday, August 1, 2008

Home From Alaska!!!

Well I hated to leave but my 14 days were up and it was time to come back from paradise.

Yes it did rain 12 1/2 of the 14 days I was there, yes it was a peachy 41-52 degrees most of those days , coldest summer in 40 years, but it is still an awesome place to go.
It's one of those places after you stay awhile you are really reluctant to leave, it grows on you fast.
Matter of fact day before I was supposed to leave another friend I have met their told me just to extend my stay a week and I was welcome to hang at their place.

Did I mention I almost hit a MOOSE, I was boogieing over to Cunningham Park on the Kenai to fish for reds when this moose steps out from the roadside, wow those guys are really big.

Ok, the bad news is it rained so much while I was there that there isn't near the video and pics I was anticipating to take.

I did break down and drag out the camera in the rain to catch the last half of a 46 pound King Salmon being caught. Look for some pics and videos coming soon, I'm getting them loaded asap. In the meantime check out Gone Fishin Club if you want a chance to fish with me in Alaska next summer.

Till then Happy Fishing and Tight----- Lines Gary

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Where can I get the best Fishing Gear???

Where can I get the best Fishing Gear???
Interested in where one of the best places I've found to get my Fishing Gear??? Well I'm here in Alaska doing a little fishing and you know whats missing here??? Bass Pro Shops that's right there isn't any Bass Pro Shops here. There are fish and fishermen everywhere but no Bass Pro so if you are coming here and need your own gear go to Bass Pro and order it and have it shipped here in advance. If you have breakdown poles and tackle you can bring them on the plane, just remember any extra suitcases may cost you surcharges these days.

Happy Fishing and Tight------Lines Gary

Bass Pro Shops

and if you are looking for some deals!

Fishing Clearance 120x60

Shop the Clearance Department at

Check out

and fishing videos at


Wednesday, March 26, 2008


OK, you've froze your tail off most of the winter,
done some great ice fishing but its time to get away
to the lower 48 and get warmed up and do some Bass fishin.
So look over your timeshares and see where you want to go
and lets do some Extreme Bass Fishin.
Check It Out!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Fly Fishing in Alaska!!!

If You Want To Learn To Fly Fish or Improve What You Already Know
Check Out This Audio Book and Ebook Bonuses.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alaska King Chinook Salmon Habitats

Alaska King (Chinook) Salmon Habitats

Spawning Habitat:
King salmon (Chinook) reach their spawning areas between July and September each year. They choose to spawn in streams that are shallow, clear, and cold with a strong upwelling of water through the gravel. The female digs a redd, consisting of several pits, and deposits her eggs in the stream gravels.

Fry Habitat:
Alaskan King Chinook salmon live in streams for at least a year before migrating to the sea. While in streams, Chinook salmon fry are found primarily along the sides of pools and near the cover of over-hanging banks. As the fish grow, they increase their distance from cover and tend to occupy greater water depths and velocities where they can find shelter from the current.
Juvenile Chinook salmon occupy different stream habitats in the fall and winter. The fry move out of faster water and congregate at undercut banks where dense vegetation drapes into the water. Chinook fry tend to hide among large stream cobbles during periods of cold temperatures. This is thought to be a way to avoid predators, reduce physical damage from ice scouring, and prevent downstream displacement.

Smolt Habitat:
Once they reach the sea, King Chinook salmon smolts remain in an estuary for a short time before moving farther offshore.

Ocean Habitat:
Alaskan King Chinook salmon remain at sea between 3 and 5 years. Some of these fish may remain close inshore throughout their lives, but most undertake extensive migrations. Fish from California and British Columbia reach the outer waters of southeastern Alaska. Others from Alaskan streams go even farther, entering the Gulf of Alaska and moving extensively across the northern Pacific. In the spring of the year they scatter across the northern Pacific and the Bering Sea. In the summer their numbers increase in the area of the Aleutian Islands and in the western Gulf of Alaska.

A young salmon that is free-swimming and feeding.

A gravel area in a stream bed where a female salmon digs a hole and lays her eggs.

A young salmon undergoing physical changes in preparation for entering salt water.

The mouth of a river where fresh water meets and mixes with salt water.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Marinated Alaska King Salmon

Marinated Alaska King Salmon*
1-2 salmon fillets
½ cup soy or vegetable oil
¼ cup soy sauce
1 Tablespoon minced garlic
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
1/3 cup Pineapple juice
1 ½ cup brown sugar

Combine all ingredients in a zip-top plastic bag or covered container
and marinate salmon for at least 3-4 hours in the refrigerator.
Broil or grill the salmon over medium coals for 12-15 minutes.
It is ready when salmon flakes easily with a fork.
I like to use a grill basket that has been
sprayed with vegetable oil for easier turning on grill.
Makes 4 servings.

*Marinated Alaska King Salmon*
OK, yes really any salmon will work just fine.

I know you are having to eat Wild Alaskan Salmon out of the freezer this time of year but they are still delicious.
It’s the last of January and my Salmon and Halibut reserves are getting low, can’t wait till July when I head back to King Salmon Country on the Kenai.
If you want fresh farm raised
Salmon its no further than your local grocery store. Happy Eating!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

How do you know it when a King Salmon bites?

How do you know it when a King Salmon bites?

King salmon are not like trout or bass. They do not bite like any other fish, in fact, they don't really bite at all. Spawning salmon are in the river only to breed. King Salmon and Sockeye salmon (reds) stop eating once they hit fresh water.

There are many opinions among fishermen as to why King Salmon bite at all.

Using eggs as bait. Why do the King Salmon pick them up?
The theory that makes the most sense based on what I've seen and heard is that when the salmon are spawning and you put something bright in front of their face that has an egg sack on it, they pick it up in their mouth by instinct. They do this not to eat it but to move it, thinking it has floated out of its resting place. They may mouth it just make sure that another fish does not get it.

Using lures such as a quickfish. Why do the King Salmon strike the lures?
Most Kenai guides and fishermen I have spoken to believe that the salmon are simply showing aggression by striking out at anything in their path. The salmon is headed up river and in its path sits a quickfish lure fanning in its path, rather than just going around it, it will just bite it! If you watch salmon as they spawn, they will constantly chase and snap at one another.

Many fishermen will say that they've had King Salmon hammer the bait and hit it hard. Fishing on the Kenai River in Alaska normally involves back trolling downstream to the fish very slowly.

King Salmon do definitely take the lure into their mouths and the result is a bite. A bite is not always a big yank or tug. Sometimes a bite starts as a momentary slackening of your line then a tug but in the end your rod bent horzontal like a snag is the sure sign of FISH ON!. At this point anyone fishing in a boat with you should reel in their line as quick as possible and someone should raise the net to alert nearby boats to give way. This is standard fishing courtesy. If bank fishing let others nearby know you have a fish on so they can give you room also, many fish are lost due to tangled lines.

Zeroing in on the bite of a King takes a little focus. If you fish long enough, you will begin to get the rhythm of the river bottom. You'll know what a rock feels like. You'll also know when the tick in your line (or the absence of a tick in your line) is unusual. That's likely to be your King. You'll have plenty of opportunity for trial and error. Whenever you feel something not quite right, you can snap your LINE. If the line does nothing, then you know that it's a false alarm. If you snap and the line just about gets ripped out of your hands and your rod points down sharply, then you know that you're about to battle the mighty King.

Managing your line will make the biggest difference in sensing the bite of a King. If you keep your line too tight, then you will feel every little bump and twitch. If you allow your line to float loose, you'll miss even the strongest strikes. Getting good at drifting your line is one of the key elements to King fishing (and one of the most entertaining.)When using quickfish and other lures you will get used to the motions it makes, at first you think every big bump is a bite but then when you really get a bite you will quickly see the difference.

Also, good gear can make a difference. This is where spending big bucks on a King Fishing Gear can pay off. However, the rod makes little difference compared to managing the tightness of your line. For most, the 8ft Ugly Stick by Shakespeare gives plenty of sensitivity for catching Kings. A good reel I recommend is the Abu Garcia's Big Game reel, strung with #60-80 Berkley Big game mono.

Well I hope this article helps you catch a Giant King Salmon.
Happy Fishing and Tight--------Lines Gary

How To Catch An Alaska King Salmon

How to catch an Alaska king salmon.

When you go on an Alaska fishing vacation for World Class Alaska King Salmon the best way to catch them is with the services of a professional Alaska fishing guide.

State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game statistics show in recent years that the unguided angler will spend nearly 40 hours fishing before he will even hook an Alaska king salmon. Alaska fishing guides will often spend only a few hours before they show you how to hook your king salmon and land it.

Since the Alaska fishing vacation may be short,a successful fishing trip may depend on the fishing guide. Not only will the guide have the knowledge and experience to achieve success, the right equipment and tackle and fishing hot spots will be known. With the nearly 23 hours of daylight in May- July,you will have plenty of time to fish the banks and wade midstreams on your fishing excursions.

Most of the saltwater fishing for king salmon is done by trolling cut herring or herring attractors. Trolling weights, divers, diving lures are directly related to the run of the 30 foot tides in Cook Inlet, speed of the troll and the depth at which the salmon or their feed are spotted. Downriggers set at various depths increase the chances of success. T-spoons, Kwikfish, flashers , are all used by experienced guides.

What kind of bait or lure should I use for Kings?
On the Kenai River and the Kasilof River guided anglers in drift and power boats enjoy success by back trolling a Jet-planer with Kwikfish, Flatfish, Magnum Wiggle Worts, Tadpollys, Spin-n-Glos, and salmon egg clusters. Back bouncing with an appropriate lead weight instead of a jet planer is also extremely effective for guided anglers. It must be said that the Alaska fishing guides knowledge of boat handling and the water is of utmost importance.
One of the best baits to use is fresh or cured salmon roe (eggs) rigged with a quarter sized orange "corky" above the hook. Sometimes a second hook is tied above the corky so chances of hooking a King are increased. Make sure to check local regulations on multiple hooks and species limits and slots. In order to increase fishing time by decreasing rebating stops red or orange mesh material is used to contain the eggs in a pouch. Above the top hook 18-24 inches we attach a barrel swivel, to prevent tangling and twisting of you leader. Above the swivel attach a piece of pencil led using a large rubber band. The swivel prevents the led from sliding down to the bait. Another lure that has been used very successfuly in catching the mighty King is the Magnum Wiggle Wart, that is a lure that is very obnoxious under the water and the Kings hit them hard!

Bank fisherman on the Kasilof, Anchor River, Deep Creek, and Ninilchick river as well as the Kenai are successful using a weight and casting a Kenai Special with a single hook or casting and bouncing large spoons such as the Pixie Spoon off the bottom rocks is a successful tactic as is casting #6 Vibrax upstream and reeling in as the lure bounces off the rocks.

Fly fishermen using attractor flies like the coho or Alaskabou have had their share of hook ups. Bank fisherman beware, no matter what Kenai water you are fishing, be prepared to run when you hook that king salmon!
That's all for today, countdown til The King Run continues,111 days to go,

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

When is the Best Time to Fish for World Class Kenai River King Salmon?

coming soon :)

Here's What I'm Talkin About!!!


Where is the Best place to fish for World Record Alaska King Salmon?(Chinook)

Welcome to Kenai River King Salmon Fishing!
Home of World Class King Salmon Fishing. The Kenai River is world renown for Alaska King Salmon fishing for one reason. Alaska's Kenai River has the impressive distinction of producing the world's largest sport-caught king salmon at 97lbs!

Les Anderson of Soldotna, admiring his World Record catch (in the rain suit) while a friend holds it up for photos. This picture was taken in the early afternoon. The official weight in the record books is 97 pounds 4 ounces. The fish was not weighed until several hours after it was caught and the Alaska Depertment of Fish & Game estimates that due to these several hours of weight loss,from the loss of moisture, (water weights 8.3 pounds per gallon) the fish may have broken the hundred pound mark if it had been weighed right after being caught.

These mighty fish tend to start entering the Kenai River around the first week of May. Steady action can usually be expected around the middle of May. Les Anderson's world record was actually landed on May 17th, 1985 If you would like to see Les's world record king in person when you get to Alaska, the fish mount is on display at the Soldotna Visitor Center next to the Soldotna Bridge

Every year we know that a potential new world record King Salmon may pass up the river right under your boat because there are fish hooked that are so large and incredibly strong that they have never been landed. The commercial fishing boats offshore have caught several over a hundred pounds but no angler in the river has yet!

Every year these monster Alaskan Kings tip the scales at over 70,even up to 90 pounds. Their sheer strength and size of these Super Kings is unmatched and those that have done battle with these big fish will tell you the fishing experience is never to be forgotten. Rapidly changing conditions in this kind of Alaskan King Salmon Fishing requires extreme mobility, very refined techniques and a strategic knowledge of the rivers patterns and being able to anticipate the fish. Not a job for rookies and weekender guides.

Fishing the Kenai River with an experienced fishing guide greatly increases your chances of landing a monster Kenai King and in my opinion is the only way to go.
The Kenai King Salmon can also be very difficult to catch and fishing from a boat is paramount. The Kenai is a very specialized fishing area where it has been accurately portrayed that 10 % of the guides catch 90 % of the king salmon.

You don't want to go after the crown jewel of Alaska King Salmon Fishing with an inexperienced guide! If I give you the name of the best guide on the Kenai River he will be all booked up and I'll have to fish the rest. Let me think about that for a day or two, til then we can only dream of World Record Alaskan King Salmon because the Kenai is frozen over right now. Happy Hookin, Gary