Monday, August 4, 2008

Fishing In Alaska July 2008 Trip

Did I mention Gas was high in Alaska? I know its high everywhere, but do you see that sign? $4.76 a gallon, nuts. A day out fishing for halibut could run you $200-$500. Ok, enough about gas prices.
Here's a medium size Halibut. We didn't catch any monsters this trip,
well not halibut anyway, as far as skates and Irish Lords, that we did catch big ones.

Meet Duke Jr. He fished on the halibut boat that day with no success, so that evening I was assigned to help him catch a fish. We docked up for the night around 9:30 in Halibut Cove across the bay from Homer, beautiful quiet cove, more pics of it later. Anyway, so I started casting some cut bait around the docks while he went on an excursion. I found a spot you could drag the cut bait through slowly and they would take it. When he returned from his hike, I showed him where they were, and he started casting. Second cast and he had one.
This was his very first fish! After that first one he was hooked. He kept going back and catching more. That looks like a baby Halibut but actually a rock sole . Whatever it is he had a blast catching them. Take kids fishing. I try to take at least 50 kids fishing a year on various trips.

Duke Jr. with his first fish.

This is an Irish Lord

They have poisonous fins and should be handled very carefully when unhooking them. The quills or spines will give you a nasty painful sore.

Ok, well look for more to come this week, I did manage to take a few thousand pics in spite of the rain. Happy Hookin and Tight----Lines Gary

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