Friday, August 1, 2008

Home From Alaska!!!

Well I hated to leave but my 14 days were up and it was time to come back from paradise.

Yes it did rain 12 1/2 of the 14 days I was there, yes it was a peachy 41-52 degrees most of those days , coldest summer in 40 years, but it is still an awesome place to go.
It's one of those places after you stay awhile you are really reluctant to leave, it grows on you fast.
Matter of fact day before I was supposed to leave another friend I have met their told me just to extend my stay a week and I was welcome to hang at their place.

Did I mention I almost hit a MOOSE, I was boogieing over to Cunningham Park on the Kenai to fish for reds when this moose steps out from the roadside, wow those guys are really big.

Ok, the bad news is it rained so much while I was there that there isn't near the video and pics I was anticipating to take.

I did break down and drag out the camera in the rain to catch the last half of a 46 pound King Salmon being caught. Look for some pics and videos coming soon, I'm getting them loaded asap. In the meantime check out Gone Fishin Club if you want a chance to fish with me in Alaska next summer.

Till then Happy Fishing and Tight----- Lines Gary

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