Friday, February 29, 2008

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alaska King Chinook Salmon Habitats

Alaska King (Chinook) Salmon Habitats

Spawning Habitat:
King salmon (Chinook) reach their spawning areas between July and September each year. They choose to spawn in streams that are shallow, clear, and cold with a strong upwelling of water through the gravel. The female digs a redd, consisting of several pits, and deposits her eggs in the stream gravels.

Fry Habitat:
Alaskan King Chinook salmon live in streams for at least a year before migrating to the sea. While in streams, Chinook salmon fry are found primarily along the sides of pools and near the cover of over-hanging banks. As the fish grow, they increase their distance from cover and tend to occupy greater water depths and velocities where they can find shelter from the current.
Juvenile Chinook salmon occupy different stream habitats in the fall and winter. The fry move out of faster water and congregate at undercut banks where dense vegetation drapes into the water. Chinook fry tend to hide among large stream cobbles during periods of cold temperatures. This is thought to be a way to avoid predators, reduce physical damage from ice scouring, and prevent downstream displacement.

Smolt Habitat:
Once they reach the sea, King Chinook salmon smolts remain in an estuary for a short time before moving farther offshore.

Ocean Habitat:
Alaskan King Chinook salmon remain at sea between 3 and 5 years. Some of these fish may remain close inshore throughout their lives, but most undertake extensive migrations. Fish from California and British Columbia reach the outer waters of southeastern Alaska. Others from Alaskan streams go even farther, entering the Gulf of Alaska and moving extensively across the northern Pacific. In the spring of the year they scatter across the northern Pacific and the Bering Sea. In the summer their numbers increase in the area of the Aleutian Islands and in the western Gulf of Alaska.

A young salmon that is free-swimming and feeding.

A gravel area in a stream bed where a female salmon digs a hole and lays her eggs.

A young salmon undergoing physical changes in preparation for entering salt water.

The mouth of a river where fresh water meets and mixes with salt water.